Monday, October 15, 2012

YRBK Spread Requirements 2013

YRBK Spread Requirements: 2013

Theme: We are Tualatin High School. We have built 20 years of strong spirit, support, and individuality from the ground up. We believe that everyone has a place here; and here is where each of us become BOLD. Be BIG, Be BBRAVE, Be BOLD, but always be you.

·      Incorporate the theme (BOLD) wherever appropriate! The point of the book is to demonstrate the individuality and importance of every person within the school.
·      Photos, copy, and design concepts should all relate to each other. Never decorate a page if it doesn’t enhance the other elements on the page.
·      Maker sure your subject is clear and concise. The reader should easily know what the subject of the page is about.

Copy Requirements:
·      All photos should have concise captions.
·      Use forms of creative copy intermixed with your general paragraphs.
·      All copy must use correct grammar and spelling.
·      Check and double check spelling and grammar.
·      Copy must be submitted prior to deadlines to your editors for editing.  Dates by which these are due will be posted ahead of time.
General Copy:
·      Size _______ font
·      Body font ___________________________________________ only
·      Black font only
·      Two forms of alternative copy/text should be included
o   Quick Facts
o   Lists
o   Quotes – must include ONLY one to two words in color
o   Charts/Graphs
·      Do NOT bore your readers! Be innovative with your interview questions! Dig deeper than just the surface! Make your copy GRAB your readers!
·      Size _______font.
·      Title ___________________________________________ only
·      Use colors from the color scheme.
·      Title should be creative, not blunt.
·      You should easily be able to determine what the page is about simply by reading the title.
·      Do not use the actual word “BOLD” in the title, it will be suggested through design elements and copy.
·      Size ________ font.
·      Subtitles ___________________________________________ only
·      Should be clear and concise.
·      Should correlate to the picture.
·      There shouldn’t be subtitles below pictures that are anchored to body text.
·      Should lye just below pictures.
Chevron Numbers:
·      _____ pt font.
·      Number ____  font.
·      Must be black font.
·      Chevron itself same size as the folio.
·      Use for creative copy (lists, fun facts, ect.)
·      Make sure that the number is visible in front of the chevron.
·      Chevrons can be any of the swatch colors.
·      All scores must be listed
·      Rosters should be accurately listed
o   Rosters in numerical order by jersey number
o   Rosters should go in this order: Jersey #/ Last Name, First Name/ Grade
o   Use to get rosters
·      Make sure to interview captains but it’s best to interview the whole team if possible
o   May not be possible for sports like football or cross country where you would want to interview a few students from each grade
Student Names:
·      Next to each student included in the spread, mark off by putting a tally mark next to the student name on the master list.
·      Try to use students that haven’t been featured and/or marked off at all yet. The purpose of the book is to include ALL students.
·      Check, double check, and triple check spelling of names! Ask other people to check for you as well; many eyes are better than just two.
·      No nicknames or preferred names.
·      Given names that appear on the master list ONLY!

Photo Requirements:
·      No missing links
·      Photos arranged so that there is ONE major, dominate photo
·      Make sure to include as many people as possible in the array of photos you choose.
·      Try not to feature any students that have already been featured.
·      Photos should rectangular or square. Ask an editor if you want to uniquely shape your photo(s).
·      Coloring on photos should be well adjusted using Bridge and Photoshop.
o   If you don’t know how to do this…. Ask an editor.
·      Any cut-out photos should be smooth and well executed.
·      Place your photos with IMAGE PLACER.
·      There shouldn’t be any extra photos in the pix folder.
·      Minimum of 10 photos per spread.
·      Vary your sizes of photos.
·      Include everyone!

Design Requirements:
·      Aesthetically pleasing design
·      No design elements should reach past grid lines
·      No design elements should fall outside the blue “bleed-bar”
·      Be aware of elements that draw in the eye, don’t overwhelm anyone with too many colors or concepts
·      Use the color scheme properly and appropriately
·      Use copy and design together to enhance organization and spread layout
·      Incorporate the design elements: chevrons, transparent bar, anchored arrow, BOLDness
·      Utilize the pica for spacing. For help with alignment, use ruler bars and grid-lines. Make sure everything is lined-up.
·      We appreciate white space.

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