Monday, October 15, 2012

YRBK Spread Requirements 2013

YRBK Spread Requirements: 2013

Theme: We are Tualatin High School. We have built 20 years of strong spirit, support, and individuality from the ground up. We believe that everyone has a place here; and here is where each of us become BOLD. Be BIG, Be BBRAVE, Be BOLD, but always be you.

·      Incorporate the theme (BOLD) wherever appropriate! The point of the book is to demonstrate the individuality and importance of every person within the school.
·      Photos, copy, and design concepts should all relate to each other. Never decorate a page if it doesn’t enhance the other elements on the page.
·      Maker sure your subject is clear and concise. The reader should easily know what the subject of the page is about.

Copy Requirements:
·      All photos should have concise captions.
·      Use forms of creative copy intermixed with your general paragraphs.
·      All copy must use correct grammar and spelling.
·      Check and double check spelling and grammar.
·      Copy must be submitted prior to deadlines to your editors for editing.  Dates by which these are due will be posted ahead of time.
General Copy:
·      Size _______ font
·      Body font ___________________________________________ only
·      Black font only
·      Two forms of alternative copy/text should be included
o   Quick Facts
o   Lists
o   Quotes – must include ONLY one to two words in color
o   Charts/Graphs
·      Do NOT bore your readers! Be innovative with your interview questions! Dig deeper than just the surface! Make your copy GRAB your readers!
·      Size _______font.
·      Title ___________________________________________ only
·      Use colors from the color scheme.
·      Title should be creative, not blunt.
·      You should easily be able to determine what the page is about simply by reading the title.
·      Do not use the actual word “BOLD” in the title, it will be suggested through design elements and copy.
·      Size ________ font.
·      Subtitles ___________________________________________ only
·      Should be clear and concise.
·      Should correlate to the picture.
·      There shouldn’t be subtitles below pictures that are anchored to body text.
·      Should lye just below pictures.
Chevron Numbers:
·      _____ pt font.
·      Number ____  font.
·      Must be black font.
·      Chevron itself same size as the folio.
·      Use for creative copy (lists, fun facts, ect.)
·      Make sure that the number is visible in front of the chevron.
·      Chevrons can be any of the swatch colors.
·      All scores must be listed
·      Rosters should be accurately listed
o   Rosters in numerical order by jersey number
o   Rosters should go in this order: Jersey #/ Last Name, First Name/ Grade
o   Use to get rosters
·      Make sure to interview captains but it’s best to interview the whole team if possible
o   May not be possible for sports like football or cross country where you would want to interview a few students from each grade
Student Names:
·      Next to each student included in the spread, mark off by putting a tally mark next to the student name on the master list.
·      Try to use students that haven’t been featured and/or marked off at all yet. The purpose of the book is to include ALL students.
·      Check, double check, and triple check spelling of names! Ask other people to check for you as well; many eyes are better than just two.
·      No nicknames or preferred names.
·      Given names that appear on the master list ONLY!

Photo Requirements:
·      No missing links
·      Photos arranged so that there is ONE major, dominate photo
·      Make sure to include as many people as possible in the array of photos you choose.
·      Try not to feature any students that have already been featured.
·      Photos should rectangular or square. Ask an editor if you want to uniquely shape your photo(s).
·      Coloring on photos should be well adjusted using Bridge and Photoshop.
o   If you don’t know how to do this…. Ask an editor.
·      Any cut-out photos should be smooth and well executed.
·      Place your photos with IMAGE PLACER.
·      There shouldn’t be any extra photos in the pix folder.
·      Minimum of 10 photos per spread.
·      Vary your sizes of photos.
·      Include everyone!

Design Requirements:
·      Aesthetically pleasing design
·      No design elements should reach past grid lines
·      No design elements should fall outside the blue “bleed-bar”
·      Be aware of elements that draw in the eye, don’t overwhelm anyone with too many colors or concepts
·      Use the color scheme properly and appropriately
·      Use copy and design together to enhance organization and spread layout
·      Incorporate the design elements: chevrons, transparent bar, anchored arrow, BOLDness
·      Utilize the pica for spacing. For help with alignment, use ruler bars and grid-lines. Make sure everything is lined-up.
·      We appreciate white space.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Northwest Scholastic Press Day is a gathering of journalism students (Yearbook and newspaper) from high schools around Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Last fall, during the 2011 Fall Press Day at Western Oregon Univ. the TuHS Timberwolf yearbook won best in show - the equivalent of a state championship.  We will be submitting the current book into the same competition this year.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012