Monday, November 1, 2010



How to write a Caption Correctly the First Time

A caption is a title, short explanation, or description accompanying an illustration or a photograph.
The importance of a caption is to relate to the reader what the picture or illustration is and how it ties into the article.
Writing a caption takes knowing when the picture was taken or what the artist of the illustration was going for as far as what they wanted to relate to their reading audience.

I. Write out the questions every reader/viewer normally asks:
Who (Who did it?)
What (What did they do?)
When (when did they do it?)
Where (Where did they do it?)
Why (Why did they do it?)
How (How did they do it?)
So What (Why should this be considered news? The six classic news values: Proximity, Prominence, Timeliness, Conflict, Impact, Novelty.)

II. Write the answers to the questions next to the questions as follows:
Who—Jolena Schmo
What—played clarinet
When—at the harvest festival concert
Where—in the cornfield
Why—aspires to be the world's best cornfield clarinet player
How—has practiced playing clarinet in the cornfield every day since 5th grade.

III. Unite the questions and answers into a single paragraph-like form.

IV. Clean up the paragraph making coherent sentences.
Robert Mercer taught journalism this fall at Lutsk Liberal Arts University as a Fulbright Scholar. He lectured in English using PowerPoint slides, video camcorders and Adobe software. He is the fourth Fulbright Scholar to teach at Lutsk Liberal Arts University.

Photo captions are an integral part of newspaper storytelling, but they are often the most underdeveloped element in the mix of words, graphics, and photographs in a newspaper. A poorly executed caption can destroy the message of a photo or the story package of which it is part. The reader/viewer expects nothing less than accurate, complete, and informative information, including captions. Here are a few suggestions to follow when writing captions.

-Check the facts. Be accurate!

-Avoid stating the obvious. "Joe Schmo breathes in and out while holding the bat during the baseball game."

-Always identify the main people in the photograph.

-Don't let captions recapitulate information in the head or deck or summary.

-Avoid making judgments. "An unhappy citizen watches the protest..." Can you be sure that he is unhappy? Or is he hurting. Or just not photogenic. If you must be judgmental, be sure you seek the truth.

-Don't assume. Ask questions in your effort to inform and be specific. Be willing to contact and include the visual reporter.

-Avoid using terms like "is shown, is pictured, and looks on."

-A photograph captures a moment in time. Whenever possible, use present tense. This will creates a sense of immediacy and impact.

-Don't try to be humorous when the picture is not.

-Descriptions are very helpful for viewer. The person dressed "in black," "holding the water hose," "sulky from chagrin," or "standing to the left of the sofa, center" are helpful identifying factors. (Photographers must ferret out this kind of material.)

-Be willing to allow for longer captions when more information will help the reader/viewer understand the story and situation.

-Use commas to set off directions from the captions to the picture. "Kachira Irby, above,..."or "Kennetra Irby, upper left..."

-Quotes can be an effective device, be willing to use them when they work.

-Conversational language works best. Don't use clichÈs. Write the caption as if you're telling a family member a story.


Readers love captions, so it’s important to get them just right. They are often the ‘entry point’ – the first thing a reader looks at on the page. Captions should simply say exactly what is in the picture and when it was taken.

They should also have a ‘slug’ or ‘kicker’ no more than one or two words long. Don’t underestimate the power of these words – a funny or clever kicker adds professional polish to the finished product. For example: 'Hair we go: Fundraisers shave their heads for charity'.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Monday, September 13, 2010


Yearbook Grading Rubric
& Contract

The following is a list of specific criteria for your work and performance in this course. Your quarter and semester grades will be determined by these criteria. This is the overall grading performance criteria, but keep in mind that smaller graded check sheets, work logs, proofing/editing sheets

90 to 100 points - A = (Outstanding Work/Performance)
Has no truancies.
Is absent no more than once during the semester.
Has no more than 1 tardy.
Meets all deadlines for individual assigned spreads (including interview, photo, rough draft, copy revision and final deadlines).
Turns in all assigned spreads complete, on time, and all revisions have been made with no errors at the time final pages are due.
Completes all tasks and fills in checklist for assigned spreads at the time final pages are due.
Works extra hours in class after school or on weekends — at least 10 hours documented per deadline.
Attends all four after-school/weekend paste-up work sessions prior to each deadline.
Helps others with their spreads if needed — identifies in writing work done on other people’s spreads, (i.e. interviewed three people for Homecoming spread, made copy corrections on Band spread, took replacement photos for baseball spread, etc.)
Always cooperates with teacher.
Always cooperates with other staff members.
Always uses class time appropriately (ie. doesn’t do homework for other classes during this class, doesn’t engage in unrelated activities when there is work to be done for this class, doesn’t misuse the computers or internet.)
Always keeps room clean and organized by making sure all materials for individual spreads are filed and put away at the end of each class.
Always puts away all general materials in their appropriate places at the end of each class.
Always saves and closes all pages on the computer before leaving class each day.
Always communicates with teacher and editors and makes arrangements if unable to fulfill any assigned duties.
Behavior/attitude (inseparable entities) are always positive, uplifting, inspiring, and setting the best example possible for other staff members. Never: complains, spreads negativity, sits and does nothing, works on other class' work, wastes time.
This staff member is proactive in behavior and action; when seeing something that needs to be done, does it to completion and to an exceptional level of quality.
This staff member helps to create a productive and empowering environment for fellow staff members at all times.

80-89 points - B = (Strong Work/Performance)
Has no truancies.
Is absent no more than twice during the semester.
Has no more than 2 tardies.
Makes almost all deadlines for individual assigned spreads, including interview, photo, rough draft, copy revision and final deadlines.
Turns in all assigned spreads complete, on time, and all revisions have been made with fewer than three errors at the time final pages are due.
Completes all tasks and fills in checklist for assigned spreads at the time final pages are due.
Works extra hours in class after school or on weekends — at least seven hours documented per deadline. Helps others with their spreads if needed — identifies in writing work done on other people’s spreads (i.e. interviewed three people for Homecoming spread, made copy corrections on Band spread, took replacement photos for baseball spread, etc.)
Attends three of four after-school/weekend paste-up work sessions prior to each deadline.
Almost always cooperates with teacher.
Almost always cooperates with other staff members.
Almost always uses class time appropriately – doesn’t do homework for other classes during this class, doesn’t engage in unrelated activities when there is work to be done for this class, doesn’t misuse the computers or internet.
Almost always keeps room clean and organized by making sure all materials for individual spreads are filed and put away at the end of each class.
Almost always puts away all general materials in their appropriate places at the end of each class.
Almost always saves and closes all pages on the computer before leaving class each day.
Always communicates with teacher and editors and makes arrangements if unable to fulfill any assigned duties.
Never: complains, spreads negativity, sits and does nothing, works on other class' work, wastes time.
This staff member is proactive in behavior and action; when seeing something that needs to be done, does it to completion and to an exceptional level of quality.
Behavior/attitude are always positive, uplifting, inspiring, and helps to create a productive and empowering environment for fellow staff members.

70-79 points - C = (Standard Work/Performance)
Has no truancies.
Is absent no more than three times during the semester.
Has no more than 3 tardies.
Makes most deadlines for individual assigned spreads, including interview, photo, rough draft, copy revision and final deadlines.
Turns in all assigned spreads complete, on time, and all revisions have been made with fewer than five errors at the time final pages are due.
Completes all tasks and fills in checklist for assigned spreads at the time final pages are due.
Works extra hours in class after school or on weekends – at least five hours documented per deadline. Helps others with their spreads if needed — identifies in writing work done on other people’s spreads (i.e. interviewed three people for Homecoming spread, made copy corrections on Band spread, took replacement photos for baseball spread, etc.)
Attends two of four after-school/weekend paste-up work sessions prior to each deadline.
Usually cooperates with teacher.
Usually cooperates with other staff members.
Usually uses class time appropriately — doesn’t do homework for other classes during this class, doesn’t engage in unrelated activities when there is work to be done for this class, doesn’t misuse the computers or internet.
Usually keeps room clean and organized by making sure all materials for individual spreads are filed and put away at the end of each class. Usually puts away all general materials in their appropriate places at the end of each class.
Usually saves and closes all pages on the computer before leaving class each day.
Always communicates with teacher and editors and makes arrangements if unable to fulfill any assigned duties.
Sometimes: complains, spreads negativity, sits and does nothing, works on other class' work, wastes time.
This staff member is sometimes proactive in behavior and action; when seeing something that needs to be done, does it to completion and to an exceptional level of quality.
Behavior/attitude are mostly/usually positive, uplifting, inspiring, and helps to create a productive and empowering environment for fellow staff members.

60-69 points - D = (Substandard Work/Performance)
Has no more than one truancy.
Is absent no more than four times during the semester.
Has three or four tardies.
Makes some deadlines for individual assigned spreads, including interview, photo, rough draft, copy revision and final deadlines.
Turns in most spreads complete, on time, and most revisions have been made with fewer than five errors at the time final pages are due. Completes most tasks and fills in checklist for assigned spreads at the time final pages are due. Works extra hours in class after school or on weekends — at least three hours documented per deadline.
Seldom or never helps others with their spreads.
Attends one of four after-school/weekend paste-up work sessions prior to each deadline.
Occasionally cooperates with teacher.
Occasionally cooperates with other staff members.
Occasionally uses class time inappropriately — sometimes does homework for other classes during this class, sometimes engages in unrelated activities when there is work to be done for this class, sometimes misuses the computers or internet.
Occasionally keeps room clean and organized by making sure all materials for individual spreads are filed and put away at the end of each class.
Occasionally puts away all general materials in their appropriate places at the end of each class.
Occasionally saves and closes all pages on the computer before leaving class each day. Always communicates with teacher and editors and makes arrangements if unable to fulfill any assigned duties.
Behavior/attitude is occasionally positive and uplifting.
Regularly: complains, spreads negativity, sits and does nothing, works on other class' work, wastes time.
This staff member is rarely proactive in behavior and action.
This person occasionally help to create a productive and empowering environment for fellow staff members.

50-59 points - F = (Unacceptable/Failing Work/Performance)
Has two or more truancies.
Is absent more than four times during the semester.
Has five or more tardies.
Misses numerous deadlines for individual assigned spreads, including interview, photo, rough draft, copy revision and final deadlines.
Turns in spreads incomplete, not on time, and all revisions have not been made at the time final pages are due.
Doesn’t complete most tasks and doesn’t fill in checklist for assigned spreads at the time final pages are due.
Seldom works extra hours in class after school or on weekends — less than one hour documented per deadline.
Attends none of the after-school/weekend paste-up work sessions prior to each deadline.
Seldom or never helps others with their spreads.
Seldom or never cooperates with teacher.
Seldom or never cooperates with other staff members.
Seldom or never uses class time appropriately — frequently does homework for other classes during this class, frequently engages in unrelated activities when there is work to be done for this class, frequently misuses the computers or internet.
Seldom or never keeps room clean and organized by making sure all materials for individual spreads are filed and put away at the end of each class.
Seldom or never puts away all general materials in their appropriate places at the end of each class.
Seldom or never saves and closes all pages on the computer before leaving class each day.
Doesn’t communicate with teacher and editors and doesn’t make arrangements if unable to fulfill any assigned duties.
Behavior/attitude rarely positive and uplifting.
Almost always: complains, spreads negativity, sits and does nothing, works on other class' work, wastes time.
This staff member is not proactive in behavior and action.
This person does not help to create a productive and empowering environment for fellow staff members.

1. There are four after-school/weekend work sessions prior to each deadline. These will occur toward the end of each quarter, with the exception of fourth quarter. The fourth quarter work session will occur sometime in early/mid-May.

2. Each deadline we have includes a checklist of spread components that will be graded. This checklist insures that all work done on every page is up to the agreed-upon standards (for a quality yearbook) established at the beginning of the year. This check list is worth up to 100 points for each member of your team.

3. At the end of each quarter, each staff member will submit their WORK LOG to be reviewed. It is important that you record everything you do for the class from photographing an event, to writing copy, to checking name spellings, to…everything. This work log is provided to you as a standard form.

The computer and photographic equipment is for any staff member to use. Natural wear and usage is normal and expected. However, if the equipment is broken, damaged, totaled, or in some way made unusable due to neglect, misuse, or irresponsible care, the student is responsible for replacing the equipment promptly. If equipment is lost or stolen while in the student’s possession, the student is responsible for replacing the equipment promptly.

HELPFUL HINTS: Never leave equipment in your locker. Never set equipment on a table in the commons and turn your back. Never leave equipment in your car. Never loan equipment to other students. Never let other students handle equipment. Return equipment to the Yearbook room the following morning after a photographic event (7:30am). Never trust that someone else will return or keep track of the equipment. You – SINGULARLY – are responsible for the equipment you check out (during and after school hours).

By signing below, you…
1. Agree to work within the criteria of the Grading Rubric
2. Understand what is expected of you this school year as a member of the Timberwolf Yearbook
3. Agree to the technology usage agreement stated above.

Student Date

Parent/Guardian Date